

My second favorite bounty hunter. I didn't know much about Bossk until his Mighty Mugg came out, but I just love his look. He's some crazy looking reptile guy in a yellow flight suit with a huge gun... what's not to love?


Draw Every Day 231-240

To keep myself inspired, I went back through my alpahbetical list of characters and tried to work through the one's I hadn't drawn yet this year. This post picks up at D - for Darkseid (with a quick skip to T because someone said Darkseid looked like Thing). Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @natexopher for daily updates


Boba Fett

I've been on a bit of a Star Wars kick lately, so I wanted to start drawing my way through the characters. Up first is everyone's favorite Mandalorian bounty hunter, Boba Fett.


Draw Every Day 221-230

This post covers a few drawings leading up to some character paintings (which I'll have to post soon). I also have a few 1980s characters and this series of Marvel Super Hero hands that I thought would make a cool poster. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for daily updates @natexopher


Happy Halloween

I actually bought these blank vinyl figures last fall, but I wasn't able to finish them in time for Halloween. I started working on them again a month or so back to make sure that they would be done in time to decorate our apartment for the season.

They are a lot smaller than the other vinyl figures I've done, so it was trickier to get all the little details I wanted. I do really like the way they came out, though. I just wish there had also been a werewolf option.